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Divx (Digital Video Express)

What is Divx ?

What is Divx? A common qustion in the street. It is a brand new MPEG4 codec( Compression decompression code ) standard for compressing both video and sound (MP3) files

It can swap 4GB movie file to be shrink in to 700 mbs , small enough to fit in to a single CD. To use divx you need is the coded software and a DIVX player. Both of which can be downloaded free over the Internet. Around 3 million copies of the Divx software are said to be in circulation over the Internet.

But In India , the downloading of DivX may not be possible because Divx movies cannot be downloaded ordinary narrow band( 56 kbps modem speeds). It can be  downloaded  only through broad band cables

See Related information on this site www.divx.com

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